
Welcome to Yahunatan.com A Secluded, Introspective Composer For the Father's Glory and Purpose. Since 2003. Check out the Latest on YouTube and Rumble SoundCloudAudiusBandcamp
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Picture for song 'Temptation' by artist 'Yahunatan'


Uploaded 9 hours ago


Picture for song 'Healing' by artist 'Yahunatan'
Picture for song 'Quest' by artist 'Yahunatan'
Picture for song 'Verve' by artist 'Yahunatan'
Picture for song 'Fragments' by artist 'Yahunatan'
Picture for song 'Mirage' by artist 'Yahunatan'
Picture for song 'Reluctant' by artist 'Yahunatan'



Picture for song 'Focus' by artist 'Yahunatan'
Picture for song 'Confrontation' by artist 'Yahunatan'


#13 in IDM

Picture for song 'Motivation' by artist 'Yahunatan'
Picture for song 'Identity' by artist 'Yahunatan'



Picture for song 'Sentimental' by artist 'Yahunatan'



Picture for song 'Yearning' by artist 'Yahunatan'



Picture for song 'Ashes to Ashes (2024 Version)' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Ashes to Ashes (2024 Version)

#33 in Contemporary

Picture for song 'Ashes to Ashes (2024 Piano Version)' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Ashes to Ashes (2024 Piano Version)

#30 in Acoustic Piano

Picture for song 'Passages: Introduction' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Passages: Introduction


Picture for song 'Optical Frequencies' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Optical Frequencies

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Trail of Thoughts' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Trail of Thoughts


Picture for song 'Ellusive' by artist 'Yahunatan'



Picture for song 'Selah 1 (Mental)' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Selah 1 (Mental)

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Longings of Simplicity' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Longings of Simplicity


Picture for song 'Free Flow' by artist 'Yahunatan'
Picture for song 'Articulate Horizon' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Articulate Horizon


Picture for song 'Selah 2 (Natural)' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Selah 2 (Natural)


Picture for song 'Reminiscent of the Pews' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Reminiscent of the Pews


Picture for song 'Eclipsis Conspectus' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Eclipsis Conspectus

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Circular Motion' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Circular Motion


Picture for song 'Selah 3 (Memorial)' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Selah 3 (Memorial)


Picture for song 'Momentary Restitution' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Momentary Restitution


Picture for song 'Invisible Projections' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Invisible Projections


Picture for song 'Shifts in Tonality' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Shifts in Tonality

Classical Film Score

Picture for song 'Selah 4 (Instinctual)' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Selah 4 (Instinctual)

#24 in Games Soundtrack

Picture for song 'Vision' by artist 'Yahunatan'



Picture for song 'Energetic Reflections' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Energetic Reflections


Picture for song 'For Thought' by artist 'Yahunatan'

For Thought

Released as a single track in March of 2021, it is now part of the Passages album.


Picture for song 'Passages: Conclusion' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Passages: Conclusion

This track is a free download (be sure to include with album purchase).


Picture for song 'Cadence 1: Hope of Endurance' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Cadence 1: Hope of Endurance


Picture for song 'Cadence 2: Micaiah' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Cadence 2: Micaiah


Picture for song 'Cadence 3: Valley of Decision' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Cadence 3: Valley of Decision


Picture for song 'Cadence 4: Jehu' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Cadence 4: Jehu


Picture for song 'Cadence 5: En Gedi' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Cadence 5: En Gedi

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Cadence 6: The Yoke' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Cadence 6: The Yoke


Picture for song 'Cadence 7: Far Side of the Jordan' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Cadence 7: Far Side of the Jordan


Picture for song 'Precreation: Prelude' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Precreation: Prelude


Picture for song 'Precreation: Empyrean' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Precreation: Empyrean


Picture for song 'Precreation: Abyss' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Precreation: Abyss


Picture for song 'Precreation: Surface' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Precreation: Surface

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Premonition' by artist 'Yahunatan'



Picture for song 'Travel by Night (2023 Remaster)' by artist 'Yahunatan'

Travel by Night (2023 Remaster)


Picture for song 'First Fruits (2023 Remaster)' by artist 'Yahunatan'

First Fruits (2023 Remaster)

#43 in Symphonic

Mission: It's not about being a skilled musician. Or acquiring that which fades under the sun. Life's too short. It's about sharing an experience. It's about having a personal relationship with The Creator. The desire is capturing the essence of an experience and layering it with depthful simplicity and spirituality, especially while in prayer, fasting, or meditation. The objective is touching vibes, thoughtful signals, and pure melodies. Keeping the message real. Committed to balancing classical and electronic genres with ease of technicality, attempt to form simple pieces on a whim, filled with muse and creative theme. If one of these pieces brings a positive understanding to your life... it has served its purpose! You are welcome to browse the music on this website free of charge. See albums and music. With over 45 albums and 500+ tracks spanning over two decades. Huge library with hours and hours of decent, creative music available covering a vast spectrum of electronic and classical styles. Totally original, creative, and personal. Experience the experiences shared.
Band/artist history
Posted a YouTube video on this history (see Videos). Started out with early MIDI programs for a couple of years or so before moving to keyboards. Primarily was known for work with the Yamaha DGX-500 from 2004-2013, yet have explored further since then with various equipment and DAW software. Watch video for more details.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
If this person ever played live, don't know if it would come out properly as music is too personal. Not so nervous around people yet am an Empath (in other words, it is very easy to soak up the moods of others). Had a personal concert back in December 2008, in which five impromptu pieces were played right after the other. Was released as Impromptu (you can listen to it on this site). Wonderful experience.
Your musical influences
As far as electronic music, would say the primary influences are Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, Jean-Michel Jarre, and Kraftwerk. Vangelis would be most influential as he focuses on the depth of his music more than catering to the masses. Jarre is explosive and fearless, while Kraftwerk allows their music to mirror real-life experiences. Tangerine Dream teaches consistency and longevity. Patrick O' Hearn and Davol are also excellent influences.
What equipment do you use?
Equipment: FL Studio Producer, Akai Professional MPK 88 and MPK 25 controller keyboards, Akai Professional MPD 26 pad controller, Arturia (V6, V5, and V4 Collections), Omnisphere 2, Keyscape, Korg (Collection 4), Diva, Dawesome LOVE, Usynth, Philharmonik Miroslav (original), Yamaha DGX-500 and DGX-505 Grand Portable keyboards (early 2000s), Yamaha PSR-47 keyboard (late 80s), M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card, MIDI/Soundfont software, and various paid/freeware DAW plugins.
Anything else?
There are artists that have the backing and resources to make it work. Many take the time to study and practice written works, which is fine. The motivation here comes from another source. It's about momentary expression. Instant layering. Depth. Allowing the listener to participate in the music. Not focused about showing off skill. Anyone can create decent music by being honest with themselves and their audience! This person doesn't really know notes, recording terms, or things like that. There are plenty of people who do. Just play what's within, recording it rather quickly without too much whimsical flair. They are stories which the Father gives experiences to share. It's not my choice to stop the messages he desires to give to the world. Yahunatan, in essence, means Yah (God) has given.
On playlists (38)


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